Latvian universities at a glance in U-Multirank
Latvian universities at a glance in U-Multirank

Twenty universities in Latvia participated in U-Multirank in 2020 showing strong overall performance in International Orientation and Regional Engagement.

Ranking for multi-level comparison

U-Multirank is a unique, multidimensional and international ranking of higher education institutions. It allows students to compare university performance in an interactive way across such dimensions as: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement.

As this ranking does not use composite indicators or weighted scores, there is no numbered league table of the world’s best universities. Instead, it shows scores of universities on individual performance and creates a comparison of institutions with similar profiles.

Latvia strongest in International Orientation and Regional Engagement

In total 20 higher education institutions of Latvia participated in U-Multirank ranking in 2020, including the higher education institutions, which are endorsed partners of Study in Latvia and have signed the agreement of good practice for attracting foreign students.

In a global perspective, Latvian higher education institutions perform strongest in such dimensions as International Orientation (68%) and Regional Engagement (61%).

When looking at top performance in a set of 10 indicators measuring different dimensions across the globe, endorsed partners of Study in Latvia have achieved a global Top 25 score in several categories. Namely, Latvian Maritime Academy has been listed among the leading performers in student mobility (measuring both incoming and outgoing mobility), Riga Technical University and Riga Stradiņš University in open access publications, whereas University in Latvia in contact to work environment of business studies programme.

Another Latvian higher education institution - Rezekne Academy of Technologies - also is listed among the Top 25 performers among the student mobility. 

This year U-Multirank comprised information about more than 1800 higher education institutions from 92 countries. More about U-Multirank here.

More information about Latvia's performance at U-Multirank

  • Latvia’s national rankings or single university’s performance can be seen here.
  • Report about Latvian Universities in Global Comparison can be downloaded here
  • Latvia's higher education performance in infographic can be downloaded here